Sandesh Asav

Dr Balaji Tambe
Santulan Products
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An asav that helps balance Vata dosha. Eases pain, inflammation and stiffness in joints. Prescribed in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, backache etc.  
Indications Joint pain, vatavyadi, aamvata.
Dosage Form   Asava
Dose10 ml (approx. 2 tsps) mixed with 2 tsps of warm water, twice a day after food or as directed by the physician.
Pack Size 400 ml
ContainsDashamoolarishta, Maharasnadi Kashaya 
Dr balaji tambe Sandesh Asav is An asav that helps balance Vata dosha. Eases pain, inflammation and stiffness in joints. Prescribed in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, backache etc.